Opus 7

Opus 7

Opus 5

Opus 5

Opus 9

Opus 9

At the Gallery Korea

At the Gallery Korea

Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, NY. 2013

Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, NY. 2013

SAC Gallery, Stony Brook University, NY. 2013

SAC Gallery, Stony Brook University, NY. 2013

Opus 7

Opus 5

Opus 9

At the Gallery Korea

Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, NY. 2013

SAC Gallery, Stony Brook University, NY. 2013

Opus 7
Opus 5
Opus 9
At the Gallery Korea
Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, NY. 2013
SAC Gallery, Stony Brook University, NY. 2013